ActivePure Blog

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ActivePure’s 4 IAQ Recommendations to the EPA

The EPA asked for ideas to improve indoor air quality and reduce disease transmission. Here are 4 highlights from ActivePure’s response.

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A patient's hand resting on a hospital bedrail with an IV catheter attached; ActivePure Technology has been shown to reduce HAIs in a hospital setting and is an emerging technology that will be found in many of the hospitals and skilled nursing facilities around the nation.

Emerging Technologies that Aim to Reduce HAIs

We discuss emerging solutions that aim to reduce Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) while considering staffing shortages and elevated demands. Take a deeper look into current and emerging tech that decreases contamination.

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Bacillus Giobigil under a microscope.

Bacillus Globigii: Pushing the Boundaries of Mold Growth

Bacillus Globigii is used for many different things from dietary supplements to antimicrobial treatments. However, does it pose more harm than good?

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A magnified illustration of Aspergillus mold

Mold & Indoor Air Quality: 3 Common Aspergillus Species

Learn about Aspergillus, one of the most common (and serious) molds found indoors.

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