Giving Thanks: ActivePure Technology Gives Families Peace Of Mind

While the holidays are often known for the colder weather and holiday spirit, it’s also a time where friends and family gather to celebrate and partake in yearly traditions. Many people travel during the holidays to spend time with loved ones when they couldn’t throughout the rest of the year—with work, college or other obligations hindering us from visiting family more often. The holidays are not just a time of reflection and gift-giving but days filled with shared company and spending time with loved ones we’re so thankful to have in our lives. According to AAA, more than 55 million travelers took to the roads and skies in 2019 for Thanksgiving.

But this year is quite different than anything we’ve seen or experienced in the past. While pandemics are written in the history books, for many, this is a first for us in our lifetime. The COVID-19 pandemic changed and continues to change our relationship with people and how we’d typically interact with those around us, both strangers, friends and family. Social meetings are a cautionary tale of “do and don’t to protect others and ourselves from catching or spreading the virus.

  • Wearing a mask over your nose, mouth and securely under your chin
  • Staying at least 6 feet away from other people you do not live with
  • Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Bringing your own food, drinks, plates, cups and utensils
  • Safely storing your mask while eating and drinking to avoid contamination
  • Avoiding going in and out of areas where food is being prepared/handled
  • Using single-use options for items such as salad dressing, condiments
  • Having a small Thanksgiving meal outdoors and limiting the number of guests
  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces and objects between use
  • Opening windows when indoors

With that said, AAA Travel estimates just a 10% drop in travel, with about 50 million Americans choosing to go somewhere for Thanksgiving.

COVID-19 cases are skyrocketing. Hospitals across America are who are suffering from severe symptoms of the illness. Doctors are pleading with individuals to avoid traveling and gathering in social settings in fear of a significant spike in coronavirus cases after Thanksgiving. Further, doctors are also predicting that confirmed cases could rise again after the December holidays. The CDC recently confirmed a link between COVID-19 cases and small, indoor gatherings—typical of winter, family-oriented celebrations.

If you are gathering for Thanksgiving, it’s imperative to take precautions to minimize your loved one’s exposure to viruses. One of the most efficient and safest ways to do this is to run an active-based air purification system that reduces viruses and bacteria in the air and on surfaces in real-time.

What is an active-based air purifier?

The most common air purification technologies like HEPA, UV-C lights and activated carbon are considered passive or capture-based and only work on airborne contaminants. Passive air purification systems require the contaminants to reach the device to be captured, whereas active-based purification systems reduce contaminants in real-time.

As our name suggests, ActivePure Technology is an active-based technology. ActivePure Technology literally scrubs surfaces and the air, molecule by molecule, in real-time, 24 hours a day. Evolving from early-stage NASA designs, ActivePure Technology quickly, proactively and continuously minimizes the number of contaminants on indoor surfaces and in the air. The technology produces safe and odorless submicroscopic molecules that fly through the room, aggressively destroying viruses and other pathogens on surfaces and in the air. In both empty spaces and crowded ones, ActivePure’s impact is powerful and immediate. No other technology can match its incredible level of effectiveness. ActivePure is proven by science and produces demonstrably superior and results.

ActivePure Technology protects lives with the most trusted air.

  • ActivePure Technology is scientifically proven to work on viruses, bacteria, mold and more; Reducing more than 99% of surface and airborne pathogens
  • Minimizes contamination, recontamination, cross-contamination by destroying viruses and other pathogens in real-time
  • Does not use chemicals or ozone
  • After a 2-year process, Aerus Medical Guardian with ActivePure Technology was cleared by the FDA as a Class II Medical Device intended for medical purposes in 2020
  • We have submitted for an FDA Emergency Use Authorization as our Aerus Hydroxyl Blaster with ActivePure Technology is proven to reduce 99.98% of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in seven hours on surfaces
  • A classified U.S. military lab is currently testing two of our products with ActivePure Technology on airborne SARS-CoV-2 viruses
  • Just began a two-year clinical trial to study the impact of ActivePure Technology on surgical site infections with the Cleveland Clinic

More than 70 products contain ActivePure Technology, with most products costing around $1/square foot for treatment.

While we fully believe in our products and stand by their efficacy, we also find it extremely important—and highly encourage—everyone to follow the CDC’s guidelines. All the precautions that we take collectively reduce the spread of COVID-19. Following social distancing guidelines, wearing masks and washing your hands are small but significant ways to reduce everyone’s exposure to this virus.

The time we get to share with our loved ones is meaningful and memorable, but for this holiday season, safety is truly one of the best gifts we can give to all.

For more information about ActivePure Technology, visit

From our family to yours, we wish you all a very happy, healthy and safe Thanksgiving.