Your Year in Air Quality: Eastern States

Blurry image of a street with cars and vehicles with bubbles representing components that affect air quality such as PM2.5 and CO2.

We’ve spoken several times about the relationship between weather and air quality. However, as the weather varies quite a bit from sea to shining sea, it’s time for an individual touch. We dug into the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Center’s (NOAA’s) outlooks for April 2024 through April of 2025. Comparing said predictions to previous precipitation and temperature averages, here’s what you can expect in your personal climate region over the next 12 months.

Southeast Climate Region (AL, FL, GA, NC, SC, & VA)

This region’s wide latitude span lends itself to varied predictions throughout the year.


Nearly the entire Southeast — from Miami to Richmond — will see a 33-60% chance of higher-than-average temperatures for the entire 12-month period. In general, coastal VA can expect its greatest increase this summer, while Florida and the Gulf Coast can expect theirs just in time for hurricane season.


After a wet spring, average summer rainfall is forecast. The only exception is Virginia, which will find itself with a 40-50% chance of higher precipitation in August, before returning to normal in the fall.

The greater Mobile and Pensacola Gulf Coast areas will see a 40-50% chance of below-average precipitation late fall through winter. This dip will expand to encompass the entire southern half of the region in midwinter before beginning to shrink. Come next spring, the Appalachian border of VA may experience another brief precipitation spike.

Air Quality

Since mold thrives at the same temperatures humans find comfortable, expect a particularly high mold spore count in northern Dixie this autumn and along the Gulf Coast next spring. High summer temperatures will also lead to higher ground-level ozone, which has a host of unpleasant physical and mental health effects.

Warmer temperatures can also change how and when plants release pollen. According to one simulation, warmer and wetter conditions will lead to an increase in daily pollen output for trees throughout the century. Expect a more severe pollen season this year for cypress and elm especially.

Finally, hurricanes can send waterborne bacteria into the air, increasing the risk of infection. As a reminder, cockroaches and dust mites also thrive in damp and water-damaged buildings, irritating asthma and allergies.

Ohio Valley Climate Region (KY, IL, IN, MO, OH, TN, & WV)

This region is essentially a giant watershed, and it’s going to become more of one this year.


Like most of the country, the Ohio Valley will see a warm 2024. The chance of above-average temperatures ranges from 33-50% across the entire area until early winter, when the northernmost states will return to normal. Southern Appalachia, however, will remain above average into 2025


Currently, the Ohio Valley is experiencing a 33-50% chance of increased precipitation extending from the Mid-Atlantic states. Though this probability bubble does grow and shrink over the course of the year, it can be expected to last until autumn. West Virginia will receive the rain clouds’ particular focus, while Illinois will rarely be affected until winter.

Late next winter, a 40-50% chance of greater-than-normal precipitation will center itself over the Ohio River until mid-spring. This will also grant areas away from the river a 33-40% chance of increased precipitation.

Air Quality

With an unusually warm and wet year, mold will become an issue. Watch out for mold spores at higher elevations in the summer and at lower elevations in the fall and spring. West Virginians in particular should keep an eye on their basements.

According to the aforementioned simulation, warmer and wetter conditions will lead to an increase in the daily pollen output of certain plants in this area, especially oak, elm, and mulberry. Expect an earlier start to allergy season for most trees, and a later end to the allergy season for ragweed and grasses.

As is always the case, warmer temperatures mean an increased risk of ground-level ozone and smog in urban areas. This is especially relevant as many of the region’s cities are surrounded by mountains, which can trap pollution.

Northeast Climate Region (CT, DE, MA, ME, MD, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, & VT)

It’s going to be a nice October in the land of crunchy leaves and pumpkin pie, but other seasons may leave something to be desired.


The Northeast can expect above-average temperatures for the entire period. This spring brings a 50-60% probability of increased temperatures covering most of the region. A 40-50% chance inland replaces it during summer and fall. Come winter, the shores of Erie and Ontario will briefly drop to normal temps, but temperatures rise again across the Northeast in early spring.


Late spring sees Delmarva as the center of a 33-50% chance of increased precipitation which slowly expands to cover all but northern Maine. In late summer, northern New England and upstate NY return to normal. If you are looking to frolic in the autumn mists, expect a thoroughly average amount. Come the holidays, the rain over Ohio Valley will affect western counties in PA, NY, and MD until spring 2025.

Air Quality

Urban and industrial areas should monitor ground-level ozone levels in summer. A mild winter, however, may generate better-than-usual air quality during the February doldrums.

Expect spring allergies to start earlier and fall allergies to end later. Unexpectedly, areas bordering Canada might see a decrease in daily pollen output, even though the season itself lasts longer.

As the entire region is normally rather humid, even those areas without greater precipitation should take precautions against indoor mold growth.

Upper Midwest Climate Region (IA, MI, MN, & WI)

We know, Midwest; you’re not an eastern region; it says so right in your name. However, that’s where NOAA categorizes you compared to their 6 westernmost regions.


Sorry “Climate-Proof Duluth”, but Upper Midwest temperatures will be higher than average until the holidays. As you just had the warmest winter on record, this won’t come as any surprise. Western MN and IA can expect less of an increase than areas bordering the Great Lakes.


Precipitation will remain fairly close to average. The exception to this is a brief spike in summer for urban MI, followed by a short dry spell for rural MN and western IA. The Detroit area might have a slightly snowier winter, so make sure to be prepared and follow your forecasts.

Air Quality

Average precipitation is bad news for Minnesota, which is currently in the throes of an unusually prolific wildfire season. In fact, most of the Upper Midwest is in a drought. If fire risk does abate, expect it to return around Labor Day.

The good news is that — with the exception of urban Michigan — the Upper Midwest has less to fear from mold than much of the country. Some areas may even see a drop in daily pollen output, even though allergy seasons continue to lengthen due to increased temperatures.

Solving Weather-Based Air Quality Issues

It’s going to be a warm and often wet year for most Eastern states. Rain does wash some contaminants out of the air, but it can also make overall air quality worse. Storms rupture pollen grains (allowing them to remain in the air longer), encourage mold growth, and carry contaminants across state lines. In addition, humid air can increase the feeling of congestion.

Fortunately, ActivePure has an entire partnership geared towards moisture-based issues; SmellBusters’ 3-prong approach will help identify, dehumidify, and purify air quality problems in your home. In addition to technology proven against bacteria, viruses, and mold spores, your SmellBusters purifier will contain a HEPA filter to remove pollen and certain pollution particles.

Whether the weather brings warmth, wet, or wildfires, we have the air quality solution for you. Contact our partner SmellBusters for a FREE air quality assessment today.

SmellBusters’ Air Quality Assessment