Increases in Antibiotic Resistance Linked to Poor Air Quality

Smoke coming out of smoke stacks, air pollution has been linked to an increase in antibiotic resistance.

Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria evolve and adapt to antibiotic medicine, making them more resistant to treatment. Research suggests that air contamination may be accelerating this dangerous phenomenon.

Air Pollution and Antibiotic Resistance

Per an article in The Guardian, “The main drivers [of antibiotic resistance] are still the misuse and overuse of antibiotics[…].” However, a study published in The Lancet Planetary Health found that antibiotic resistance is being exacerbated by air pollution. According to The Guardian, “The analysis, using data from more than 100 countries spanning nearly two decades, indicates that increased air pollution is linked with rising antibiotic resistance across every country and continent.”

While the analysis did not explore the cause of this correlation, it did find that “The major air pollutant, in the form of particulate matter (PM)2.5, has been shown to contain diverse antibiotic-resistant bacteria and antibiotic-resistance genes[…]” There are several ways in which air pollution can make diseases more dangerous. As reported by NPR, one theory states that already-resistant bacteria in the soil and water are “catch[ing] rides on particles and aerosols into the air, where people can inhale them.” Whether this theory is accurate or not, The Lancet study implicates contaminated air as a source of antibiotic-resistant infections. The Guardian summarizes:

“[…]every 10% rise in air pollution [is] linked with increases in antibiotic resistance of 1.1%[…If] there were no changes to current policies on air pollution, by 2050 levels of antibiotic resistance worldwide could increase by 17%. The annual premature death toll linked to antibiotic resistance could rise to about 840,000.

The Rise of Air Pollution

The world has experienced a burgeoning increase in air pollution. According to the American Lung Association’s 2023 State of the Air, “nearly 36% of Americans—119.6 million people—still live in places with failing grades for unhealthy levels of ozone or particle pollution.” As HealthDay News reports, “About 7.3 billion people globally are directly exposed to unsafe average annual PM2.5 levels.” With most of the world exposed to contaminated air, the risk of coming in contact with these antimicrobial-resistant bacteria and genes has dramatically increased.

The Cost of Antimicrobial Resistance

There are a multitude of costs associated with antibiotic-resistant infections — specifically medical treatment, loss of life, and welfare. According to an article in News Medical, “In terms of welfare expenditure, the financial consequence of antibiotic resistance is estimated at $400 billion USD each year.” A 2018 paper published in Health Affairs claims “that antibiotic resistance added $1,383 to the cost of treating a patient with a bacterial infection[…]this amounts to a national cost of $2.2 billion annually.” As for the loss of life, nearly “23,000 Americans with these infections die each year.”

Controlling Antibiotic Resistance by Cleaning the Air

Because air pollution is the key vector that transports antimicrobial-resistant genes and bacteria — and because antibiotic resistance is costly to both individuals and organizations — improving air quality is a high priority.

How can we effectively tackle the issue of poor air quality? The WHO’s air quality standards recommend no more than 5 μg/m3 of PM2.5. The Lancet study claims if the WHO’s target is achieved by 2050, we can expect to see an estimated reduction in antibiotic resistance “by 16.8% and avoid 23.4% of premature deaths attributable to antibiotic resistance, equivalent to a saving of $640 billion.”

However, global air quality standards rely on global cooperation. Meanwhile, individuals require concrete steps they can take to protect their workplaces, schools, and homes. Devices with ActivePure® Technology have been proven to reduce up to 99.9% of many bacteria, fungi, and viruses — including the infamous Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) — both in the air and on surfaces. Read our extraordinary hospital case study below to learn just what our technology can do to reduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Read Our MRSA Study